Библиографическое описание:
У Синьчжоу.
Instrumental exploration about body deformation under divign pants = Инструментальное исследование деформации фигур под влиянием костюма для подводных видов спорта / У Синьчжоу, В. Е. Кузьмичев
// Моделирование в технике и экономике : сборник материалов докладов международной научно-практической конференции, Витебск, 23-24 марта 2016 г. / Витебский государственный технологический университет. - Витебск, 2016. - С. 548-550. - Библиогр.: с. 550 (4 назв.).
Wet diving pants need as fitted as possible because the divers work below water level and need
a protection from low temperature. Under water pressure the soft tissue of body will be deformed. To
design the diving pants we should know the pressure which push on soft tissue, on the one side, and body
dimension deformations under pressure, on the other side. Both data bases we have considered tooptimize the pants pattern structure and ease distribution. This article mainly explore how the water
pressure influence on body dimension changing such as circumferences of tight, waist, knee, calf through
skin pressure simulation experiment above water.