Библиографическое описание:
Сюэвэй Цзян.
Development of forecasting model of fashion sales based on Back propagation neural network and correlation analysis / Сюэвэй Цзян, В. Е. Кузьмичев, Тяньтянь Чэн
// Моделирование в технике и экономике : сборник материалов докладов международной научно-практической конференции, Витебск, 23-24 марта 2016 г. / Витебский государственный технологический университет. - Витебск, 2016. - С. 431-433. - Библиогр.: с. 433 (9 назв.).
The result of operational decisions of fashion should be evaluated accuracy. In order to forecast
accuracy, an improved forecasting algorithm, which combines correlation analysis, artificial neural
network and the other computation skills, is proposed in this paper. The analysis of practical situations
indicates that this improved algorithm can generate reasonably good forecasting quickly under the
condition of limited data. We have compared our method with back propagation neural network
combined with genetic algorithm. The result shown that our developed method can forecast the fashion
sales with better results.